Environmental AllianceEasi Logofor Senior Involvement

Local Senior Environment Corps Initiatives 

Throughout the United States, Senior Environment Corps are implementing projects that address energy conservation, environmental education, environmental health, environmental monitoring, environmental restoration, and pollution prevention. One SEC is developing environmental legislation in a special effort for its state legislature. 

Marshall County EASI SEC
Jean Ann Moon, Director
Marshall County  RSVP
1805 Gunter Ave., Ste. A-1
Guntersville, AL  35976
PH: 256-571-7734;  FAX: 256-571-7775
Email: [email protected]

Garland County EASI SEC
Norma McLain, Director
126 Oriole Street
Hot Springs, AR  71901
PH: (501) 623-6830; FAX: (501) 623-2750
Email: [email protected]

Northwest Arkansas EASI SEC
Anne Miners
PO Box 488
Rodgers, AR  72756
PH: (501) 925-2214; FAX: (501) 925-2912
Email: [email protected]

Stuttgart N. AR Co. EASI SEC
Jo Rowe
425 South Main
Stuttgart, AR  72160
PH: (870) 673-8585; FAX: same as phone
Email: [email protected]

Texarkana Area EASI SEC
Ermer Pondexter, Director
PO Box 2711
Texarkana, AR  75504
PH: (870) 779-4983 FAX: (870) 774-3170
Email: [email protected]

Phoenix SEC
Michael Baker
4250 Camelback Road, Suite 185k
Phoenix, AZ  85018
PH: (602) 522-9127; FAX: (602) 952-1447
Cell: (602) 329-1887
Email: [email protected]

Torres-Martinez CaSEC
Mary E. Belardo
66-725 Martinez Rd., PO Box 1160
Thermal, CA  92274
PH: (760) 397-0300; FX: (760) 397-8146
Email: [email protected]

Delta County EASI SEC
Carol Ferner, Director
DMG&SM Counties RSVP
P.O. Box 801
Cedaredge, CO 81413
PH: 970-856-8657; FAX: 970-856-8658
Email: [email protected]

Rural Resort Region EASI SEC
Jacki Allen-Benson, Director
Rural Resort Region RSVP
PO Box 660, 551 Broadway
Eagle, CO 81631
PH: (970)328-8818; FAX: (970)328-8809
Email:  [email protected]

Southwestern CT EASI SEC
Sarah Mann, Director
98 South Main Street
Norwalk, CT  06854
PH: (203) 899-2441; FAX: (203) 899-2430
Email: [email protected]

Bernie Saydlowski
7 Brooklet Drive
Wilmington, DE  19810
PH: (302) 478-2758; FAX: (302) 478-1365
Email: [email protected]

RSVP of Metro Atlanta
Kathy Carroll, Director
1705 Commerce Dr.
Atlanta, GA  30318
PH: (404)-352-9371; FAX: (404)-352-0595

Kane & McHenry SEC
Debbie Danitz, Director
3519 N. Richmond Rd.
McHenry, IL  60050
PH: (815) 344-3555; FAX: (815) 344-3593

Winnebago County EASI SEC
715 Kilburn Avenue
Rockford, IL  61101
PH: (815) 963-7787; FAX: (815) 962-6009
[email protected]

Fort Wayne EASI SEC
Jean Joley
3024 Fairfield Ave., Suite 110
Fort Wayne, IN  46807
PH: (260) 458-2005; FAX (260) 458-2549
Email: [email protected]

Bluegrass SEC
Hilary Lambert Hopper
1530 Nicholasville Road
Lexington, KY  40503
PH: (859) 277-1100 or (859) 233-4600
FAX: (859) 277-4843

Marie Harding, Director
1400 H C Mathis Drive
Paducah, KY 42001-2468
PH: (270)442-8993;  FAX (270)443-8609
Email: [email protected]

The Cape Cod & the Islands SEC
Mary Carchrie
68 Route 134
South Dennis, MA  02660
PH (508) 394-4630 X 111; FAX (508) 394-3712
Email:  [email protected] 

Ministry of the Ozarks EASI SEC
Margaret Geiger, Director
627 N. Glenstone St.,  POB 3947
Springfield, MO  65802-3947
PH: (417)-862-3595; FAX: 417-862-2129
Email: [email protected]

Cascade County EASI SEC
Audrey Finlayson
PO Box 2486
1004 Central Avenue 2nd Floor
Great Falls, MT 59403-2486
PH: (406) 454-6994; FAX:
Email: [email protected]

Kalispell EASI SEC
Val Helmsley, Director
Glacier National Park
PO Box 128
West Glacier, MT 59936
PH: (406) 758-7848
[email protected].

Lake Chapala, Mexico SEC
Joe DeLeon
APDO 908
45900 Chapala, Jalisco
PH: 011 52 376 76 6 25 60
E-mail: [email protected]

Moore County EASI SEC
Susan Holmes, Director of RSVP
PO Box 905
Carthage, NC  28327
PH: (910) 947-6395; FAX: (910) 947-5931
Email: [email protected]

Tallgrass Prairie Club EASI SEC
Jerry Davison, Director
8523 West State Highway 4
Beatrice, NE  68310
PH: (402) 223-3514; FAX: (402) 228-4231
Email: Susan Cook  [email protected]

New Hampshire SEC
Bruce Montville, Director
PO Box 124
Barrington, NH  03825-0124
PH: (603) 664-9827
Email:  [email protected] 

Carlsbad City EASI SEC
Josie Methola, Director
PO Box 716, 2814 San Jose Blvd.
Carlsbad, NM  88220
PH: (505) 885-2892

Los Alamos County EASI SEC
Janet Gerwin, Administrator
50 Tesuque
Los Alamos, NM  87544
PH: (505) 662-9568
Email: [email protected]

San Juan College EASI SEC
Ryan Downey, Director
4601 College Blvd.
Farmington, NM  87402
PH (505) 566-3120; FAX (505) 566-3122
Email:  [email protected] 

Oswego County EASI SEC
Helen Milam, Director
State University of New York
Oswego, NY  13126
PH: (315) 312-2317; FAX: (315) 312-2210
Email: [email protected]

Suffolk County SEC/VSRC
Deborah Weiner, Director
1 West Main Street
Smithtown, NY  11787
PH: (631)-979-9490
Email: [email protected]

Strongsville EASI SEC
Barbara A. Nyegran, Sr. Director
18100 Royalton Road
Strongsville, OH  44136
PH: (440) 238-7111; FAX: (440) 572-3137
Email: [email protected]

Summit County EASI SEC
Inese Alvarez, Director
415 South Portage Path
Akron, OH  44320
PH: (330) 762-8645; FAX: (330) 762-5571

Blue Thumb of Oklahoma
Cheryl Cheadle
5401 S. Sheridan Rd, Suite 201
Tulsa, OK  74145
PH: (918)280-1598; FAX: (918)280-1594
Email: [email protected]

Okmulgee County Conservation District 
719 E. 8th, Ste. B
Okmulgee, OK 74447

Cleveland County Conservation District
603 E. Robinson
Norman, OK 73071

Delaware County Conservation District
P.O. Box 467
Jay, OK 74346

Oklahoma County Conservation District
1120 NW 63rd St. Ste G101
Oklahoma City, OK 73116

Tulsa County, OK SEC
Carolyn, Mathews, Coordinator
490 East 141st Place
Glenpool, OK 74033
PH: (918) 322-6009 or at OK’s Conservation
Commission (918) 280-1595
FAX: (918)280-1594
Email: [email protected]

Lane County EASI SEC
Denise Kalakay
Lane County Council of Gov'ts
99 E. Broadway Suite 400
Eugene, OR  97401-3111
PH: 541-682-4283; FAX: 541-682-4283
Email:  [email protected]

Adams County PaSEC
Linda Thompson, Supervisor
318 West Middle Street
Gettysburg, PA  17325
PH: (717)334-9296; FAX: (717)334-4715
Email: [email protected]

Allegheny County - Vintage PaSEC
Marilyn Crouch-Kraitchman, Supervisor
401 Highland Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA  15206
PH: (412)361-5003; FAX: (412)361-2737
Email:  [email protected]

https://www.post-gazette.com/neigh_south/20010418scummins7.asp - News article about Allegheny County PASEC water monitoring efforts. 

Blair County PaSEC
Cheryl Nolan 
EASI Program Coordinator
1320 12th Avenue
Altoona, PA  16601
PH: (814)946-1235; FAX: (814)-949-4857
E-mail:  [email protected]

RSVP of the Capital Region, Inc.
Carol A. Oman, Executive Director
5301 Jonestown Road
Harrisburg, PA  17112
PH: (717)541-9521; FAX: (717)541-8466
E-mail:  [email protected]
Center In The Park PaSEC
Lynn Harris
5818 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA  19144
PH: (215)848-7722; FAX: (215)848-0979
E-mail: [email protected]
https://www.centerinthepark.org/prog-sec.html - Center in the Park website.

Centre County PaSEC
Bonnie Wick
420 Holmes Street
Bellefonte, PA  16823
PH: (814)355-6816; FAX: (814) - 355-6757
Email:  [email protected]

Chester County PaSEC
Christine Grantham
Mailing: RSVP 
C/O Family Services of West Chester
310 N. Matlack St.
Physical: 14 East Biddle Street Suite 42
West Chester, PA 19380
PH: (610)436-6646 ; FAX: 
Email: [email protected]  

Clarion County PaSEC
Stephanie Wilshire, Administrator
12 Grant Street
Clarion, PA  16214
PH: (814) 226-4070; FAX: (814)226-7893
Email: [email protected]

Clearfield County PaSEC
Donna Carnahan, Watershed Specialist
Clearfield County Conservation District
650 Leonard Street
Clearfield, PA  16830
PH:  (814)768-7300 or 765-8130
FAX:  (814)768-9587
Email: [email protected]

Crawford County PaSEC
(French Creek Project)
Alice Sjolander 
Watershed Conservationist
Box 172, 590 N. Main Street
Allegheny College
Meadville, PA  16335
PH: (814)332-2946; FAX: (814)333-8149
Email:  [email protected]

Delaware County PaSEC
Karen Reever, CEO
Mid County Senior Services
Jefferson Health System 
22 Media Line Road
Newtown Square, PA  19073
PH: (610)353-6642;  FAX: (610)353-7950
E-mail:  [email protected]

Eastwick PAC PaSEC
Maggie E. Powell
Alice Lawson-Burnum, Coordinator
Eastwick Area Project Committee
Mercy Wellness Center
2821 Island Road
Philadelphia, PA 19153
PH: (215)365-8825; FAX: (215)365-8499
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Indiana County PaSEC
Peg Malcolm, Supervisor
1005 Oak Street, P. O. Box 519
Indiana, PA  15701-0519
PH:  724-349-4500; FAX:  724-349-9535
Joanne Ferraro's - [email protected]

Jefferson County PaSEC
Jenny Kitko
186 Main Street
Brookville, PA  15825
PH:  814-849-3096; FAX:  814-849-4655
E-mail:  [email protected]     

Lackawanna County PaSEC
Nancy Post, RSVP Director
538 Spruce Street, Suite 420
Scranton, PA  18503
PH:  570-346-3630; FAX:  570-341-5816
E-mail:  [email protected]
Paul Bechtel, Envir. Coordinator
West Side Senior Center
1004 Jackson Street, 3rd Floor
Scranton, PA  18504
PH: (570)961-1592, ext. 106 
FAX:  (570)342-8183
E-mail: [email protected]

Lancaster County PaSEC
Lilia Nice, Executive Director
Jamie Brightbill, Vol. Coordinator
822 Marietta Avenue
Lancaster, PA  17603
PH: (717)397-1235; FAX: (717)397-1070
E-mail:  [email protected]

Luzerne-Wyoming County PaSEC
Anne Rappaport, RSVP Director
93 North State Street
Wilkes Barre, PA  18701
PH:  570-822-1159, ext. 370
FAX:  570-970-9250
E-mail:  [email protected]

Lycoming-Clinton County PaSEC
Michelle Koons, Volunteer Coordinator
2138 Lincoln Street, P. O. Box 3156
Williamsport, PA  17701
PH:  570-784-9272; FAX:  570-784-3678
E-mail:  [email protected]

Mifflin-Juniata Counties
(Juniata Valley PaSEC)
Susanne Howe, Vol. Coordinator
1 Buena Vista Circle, P. O. Box 750
Lewistown, PA  17044-0750
PH:  717-242-0492; FAX:  717-242-1448
E-mail: [email protected]

Monongahela River PaSEC
Leslie Grenfell, Operations Director
Eastgate 8
Monessen, PA  15062
PH:  724-684-9000; FAX:  724-684-6581
E-mail:  [email protected]

Monroe County PaSEC
Dorothy Kauffman, Director
724 B Phillips Street
Stroudsburg, PA  18360
PH:  570-420-3735; FAX:  570-420-3734
E-mail: [email protected] 
Patty Fretz - 1-800-498-0330/570-420-3735

Montgomery County/Bucks County PaSEC
Amy Cummings-Leight
PEAK Center, Inc.
315 West Main Street
Lansdale, PA  19446
PH:  215-362-7432
FAX:  215-368-5720
E-mail:  [email protected]
[email protected]

Schuylkill Center for 
Environmental Education PaSEC
Dana Walker
8480 Hagy's Mill Road
Philadelphia, PA  19128
PH: 215-482-7300, x 129; FAX: 215-482-8158
E-mail: [email protected]

Schuylkill County PaSEC
Carol Bowen, RSVP Director
110 East Laurel Boulevard
Pottsville, PA  17901
PH:  570-622-3103; FAX:  570-622-1732
E-mail:  [email protected]

Union-Snyder Counties PaSEC
Farida Zaid, Director
Sarah Shellenberger, Volunteer Coordinator
116 N. 2nd Street
Lewisburg, PA 17837
PH: 570-524-2100; Fax: 570-524-5999
E-mail: [email protected]
Ivan Pettit explaining the river creatures to an interested youth. Venango Co. Water Monitors in city park, Franklin, PA
Venango County Water Stream Monitors are all RSVP Senior Corps members.

Venango County PaSEC
Lance Bowes, Watershed Specialist
Venango County Conservation District
471 Beach Road
Franklin, PA 16323
PH: (814) 676-2832 FX: (814) 678-1190
E-mail: [email protected]
Anna Claire Chacknes, Director
RSVP of Venango County
POB 1130, 1283 Liberty St.
Franklin, PA 16323
PH: (814) 437-9723 FX: (814) 678-1190
E-mail: [email protected]

York County PaSEC
Ms. Patricia Clayton, President of the Board of 
1749 Powder Mill Road  
York, PA.  17403  
PH: (717) 741-0447
E-mail: [email protected]
York County PaSEC participates in West
Nile Virus

Capitol Region, RI SEC
Susan Contreras, RSVP Project Director
Capitol Region RSVP
55 Bradford Ave. Suite 202
Providence RI 02903
PH: (401) 421-7472; FAX: (401)272-1655

Upper Savannah, SC SEC
Blake Lanford
222 Phoenix Street, Suite 200
PO Box 1366
Greenwood, SC 29648
PH (864) 941-8050; 1-800-922-7729
FX (864) 941-8090
E-mail: [email protected]

Amarillo, TX SEC
Nova Neuhaus, Director
823 West 7th
Amarillo, TX  79101
PH (806) 373-8389; FX (806) 373-8380
Email: [email protected]

AYUDA Inc., San Elizario TX SEC
Gloria Melendez, Executive Director, 
PO Box 2017
San Elizario, TX 79849
PH (915) 851-0272; FX (915) 851-5266
Email: [email protected]

Brazos County, TX SEC
Carolyn Kraus
801 East 29th Street
Bryan, TX 77803
PH: (979) 779-3743 x. 216
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Dallas TX SEC
Dallas RSVP
Deby Sterns
1215 Skiles Street
Dallas, TX  75204
PH: (214) 823-5700; FX: (214) 826-2441
Email: [email protected]

Denton, TX SEC
Diana Corona, Exec. Dir.
1400 Crescent, Suite 3
Denton, TX  76201
PH (940) 383-1508; FX (940) 387-0862
Email: [email protected]

El Paso TX SEC
Jo Ann Houchin
Lori Rodriguez, Director
2 Civic Center Plaza
El Paso, TX  79901
PH (915) 541-4000; FAX (915) 541-4993
Lori R - 915-541-4378 or 4025
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Mountainland EASI SEC
Gayla Muir
586 East 800 North
Orem, UT  84097-4146
PH (801) 229-3810; FAX (801) 229-3801
Email: [email protected]

ACB/Richmond Area VSEC
Scott Myers, Director
Stacey Moulds, Site Supervisor
Email: [email protected]
Kate Dowling, VISTA
Email: [email protected]
PO Box 1981
Richmond, VA  23218
PH (804) 775-0951; FAX (804) 775-095

Central Virginia VSEC
Rose Jensen
1501 Lakeside Drive
Lynchburg, VA  24501
PH (804) 544-8456; FAX (804) 544-8499
Email:  [email protected]

Clinch River/Powell Watershed VSEC I [Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc.]
Marilyn Pace Maxwell, Exec. Director
Email: [email protected]
Zelma Aichel, Site Supervisor
Email: [email protected]
1-A Industrial Pk., PO Box 888
Big Stone Gap, VA  24219
PH (276) 523-4202; FAX (276) 523-4208

Clinch River Watershed VSEC II [Clinch Valley Community Action, Inc.]
Chris Thompson, Exec. Director
Beth Shrader, Site Supervisor
PO Box 487
N. Tazewell, VA  24651
PH (276) 988-5883; FAX (276) 988-4041
Email: [email protected]

Fauquier County VSEC
EASI Main Office
PO Box 250, 9292 Old Dumfries Rd.
Catlett, VA 20119-0250
PH (540) 788-3274; FAX (540) 788-9301
Email: [email protected]

Hampton Roads VSEC [Portsmouth RSVP]
700 London Street
Portsmouth, VA  23704
PH: (757) 393-9333; FAX (757) 399-5174

Northern Virginia VSEC
Leslie Herzog, Director
418 S. Washington St.
Alexandria, VA  22314
PH (703) 549-1607; FAX (703) 549-2097
Email:  [email protected]
Site Supervisor, Linda Lee
[email protected]

Rappahannock Watershed VSEC
John P. Tippett, Executive Director
PO Box 7254, 3219 Fall Hill Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA  22404
PH: (540) 373-3448; FAX (540) 373-8111
Email: [email protected]

Roanoke River Watershed VSEC
Roger Ellmore
PO Box 8508
Roanoke, VA  24014
PH (540) 427-3107; FAX (540) 427-1880

Verdun Adventure Bound VSEC
David Snyder, Director
16436 Carpe Diem Drive
Rixeyville, VA  22737
PH (540) 937-4920; FAX: (540) 937-3713
Email: [email protected]

Virginia Karstlands SEC/Virginia Karst Proj.
Will Orndorff, Program Coordinator
7502 Lee Highway, 2nd floor
Radford, VA 24141
PH (540) 831-4056; FAX (540) 831-4058
Email:  [email protected]

Lower Columbia College EASI SEC
Kathleen A. Johnson, Director
PO Box 3010
Longview, WA  98632
PH (360) 577-2364; FAX (360) 571-5440
Email: [email protected]

Snohomish County EASI SEC
Jeri Mitchell (Dir); Peg Coburn (Vol. Coord)
Catholic Community Services
1918 Everett Ave.,
Everett, WA 98201-3607
PH (425) 257-2111; FAX (425) 303-0568
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]

Spokane County EASI SEC
Susan Russell
YMCA of Spokane County
PO Box 208
507 North Howard
Spokane, WA  99210
PH (509) 344-7787 X136; FAX (509) 343-4096 
Email: [email protected]

Washington DC SEC
Gwen Coleman
635 Edgewood St NE, Suite 107
Washington, D.C.  20017
PH: (202) 832- 4970; FAX: (202) 832- 4978
Email: [email protected]

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